In another post i’ve talked about what 2016 has done for me fitness wise. 2016 has been the best year for me physically, i’ve become physically stronger than I could have ever imagine, i’ve been dedicated, consistent to fitness this year and it’s paid off in ways I couldn’t have imagined both physically and mentally. I’ve fallen in love with weight lifting and the ideation of being strong, I’ve developed a serious love for pushing my body to it’s limits and this will be tested next year when I run 26 miles in the London marathon. Other highlights this year are I finally got into a volunteering programme in the UK working in zoo’s and aquariums doing exactly what for the last 2 years what i’ve known I always wanted to do. I’ve no idea why it was this year, why this year it all seemed to come together and I developed this drive and determination to succeed and better my self, i’ve grown more this year than any other year of my life, so on the surface this year to be something of celebration, it seems like a pretty great year right? For the rest of my time on this planet I will never forget this year and not because of why you think or the reasons laid out in this paragraph. I’ll never understand why some of the best things and the absolute worst things happened to me this year but they did.
On a Friday afternoon In July this year my dad took his own life. To some suicide doesn’t make sense, people can never understand why and I can understand peoples mindset regarding that however I knew the reasons why and i’ll not go into the detail about them because quite frankly it’s completely irrelevant. The bottom line is this year I lost my dad, one of the most influential, fundamental people in my life, some one who I always looked up to and I can see so much of my self in the man he was. Whenever I got my self into trouble my dad was there, bailing me out, he taught me to how to laugh at my self, to be patient and to be kind. He drove me up and down the country for sport, he heard me out when no one else would listen and he was just always there my biggest supporter, who’d do anything for his daughter. Most of all my dad was my best friend, imagine that losing your parent and best friend all at once.
See my life on social media very much shows the highlights of this year, i’ve posted a few things about my dad on social media, but not many, my Facebook timeline and my Instagram feed really only shows the good bits. I guess what i’m trying to say and admit is that’s what social media is, you don’t see peoples full battles, struggles and background. Everyones fighting battles that we hide behind filters and this is mine, but i’m a firm believer in honesty, integrity and transparency. I’m not lying in the posts of me smiling because in those few moments I am happy but thats not always, I have days where it’s a struggle to stop crying or get out of bed. But I try everyday no matter my circumstances to be the best person I can be because thats what my dad would have wanted and no matter what you’re battle is, you have control to mould the person who’s fighting it and be a better, stronger person when you come through it because bad times always pass. I’ll never forget my dad for the rest of my life and i’ll never forget this year but i’ll get through it.
I’m a firm believer that every negative has a positive and vice versa. But it’s up to you to seek that out, don’t question the whys and answer the how, how your going to get through the bad and how your going to grow from it. But what I really want to get across from this post is also don’t believe everything you see on social media, no one wants you to see the bad, but remember to always be kind because you never know what battles people are facing and I can guarantee you’ll never know from looking at their social media.
Laura xo